Kou Tea- Blend of Super Teas to Aid in Weight Loss and Wellness

KouTea is a combination of four teas, and when combined, this supplement has been shown to provide the body with numerous health benefits, including:
  • The potential for weight loss
  • KouTea may boost metabolism
  • The product may reduce appetite and aid in digestion
  • The possibility of improved energy
  • KouTea is a good source of anti-oxidants
  • May help support concentration and memory function
KouTea is designed to not only aid in weight loss and increased energy levels, but unlike many other weight loss supplements, it is also intended to increase overall health and wellness.

KouTea is a blend of four super teas. The ingredients have been shown to reduce the effects of particular foods eaten by a user and also reduce stress, reverse the signs of aging and strengthen the immune system.
Unlike other supplements that promote weight loss, KouTea is taken in the form of an actual tea.

What Teas are Used in KouTea?

  • Green tea has been proven to have remarkable health benefits in recent years. The antioxidants in green tea have anti-aging properties. In addition to anti-aging and anti-oxidant properties, green tea can also boost metabolism, and increase fat burning capabilities of the body.
  • Oolong Tea has been used for more than 400 years in China and has been shown to positively impact the potential for chronic health conditions, including inflammatory conditions such as heart disease. It has also been proven to strengthen bones and boost intake of antioxidants. This ancient tea has a number of important vitamins, including A, B, C, K and E, as well as minerals, including calcium, copper, folic acid, potassium, selenium and carotin. In addition to providing overall health benefits, Oolong tea contains a polyphenol compound that is useful in controlling the metabolism. Oolong tea has stress reducing capabilities, as well.
  • Pu-erh tea is perhaps less common than green and oolong teas, but like Oolong, this tea contains polyphenols, which attack free radicals upon entry into the body. The tea can also aid in the digestion of food and aid the immune system. Pu-erh tea has been proven to suppress the fatty acid synthesis process, which means it can aid in the weight loss process. 
  • White tea is a nicely flavored, high quality tea. White tea is not bitter like some other types of popular teas. White tea contains high levels of polyphenols, which act as antioxidants and flush away toxins found in the skin and bloodstream. White tea also promotes weight loss through increased circulation, boosted metabolism and the maintenance of beneficial blood pressure levels. 

How to Use KouTea

There are 2 kilograms of KouTea contained in each bag, which is the ideal amount for a tea that is potent but also has a pleasant taste.

It is recommended that people interested in receiving the health and weight loss benefits of KouTea drink at least two cups each day, but for the best results, it is advised that users drink as much as possible each day.

In addition to drinking KouTea, to see the best results for weight loss and overall wellness, users are encouraged to combine the tea with a healthy, low fat diet and daily exercise. KouTea is beneficial for providing energy to support work outs.

How to Steep KouTea

Since KouTea is an actual tea, in bag form, it’s important to steep it properly, to ensure the maximum benefits are being achieved in each cup.
  1. The first step is to boil four cups of water in a teapot
  2. After bringing to a boil, allow the water to cool to about 75 or 80 degrees Celsius
  3. Add a KouTea bag into a cup
  4. Steep the tea bag for about three to four minutes and remove the tea bag when the liquid reaches a color that is warm golden
  5. It is possible to reuse the same KouTea bag twice. To use a bag twice, allow the bag to dry thoroughly  and complete the steeping process for a second time
  6. For more potent health benefits, allow the tea to steep for longer
  7. Add organic honey for sweetening if desired

Ordering KouTea

Since KouTea is a unique combination of several types of tea, it should only be ordered from its manufacturer, to ensure the maximum benefits are achieved. The product is available at KouTea.com. The manufacturers of the product offer special ordering offers, including value packages for people who order several packages of the product at one time. Each package of KouTea ordered from the manufacturer contains 60 tea bags, and each bag contains 2 kg. of KouTea.